Saturday, June 19, 2010

Brighams Forth Birthday....

He is growing up... It's such a bitter sweet moment when my kids turn a year older. I'm so excited for them to progress in there lives and learn new things. But on the other hand I'm sad they just get that much more closer to becoming adults. Not needing me so much anymore.
We had a great Birthday party this year for Brigham. It was the first birthday Brigham has ever had in Utah. So we did a big circus themed Birthday party. We had carnival games set up for the kids. We had a clown come and do face painting,tricks and balloon tying. We had a jump house which the kids loved. All in all it was a great party. Thanks to everyone that came...


Dilworth Family said...

Looks so fun! Wish we could have been there:) Glad you guys are doing so well, hope you are enjoying your summer!

L. Smith said...

Wow! That is a birthday he will never forget- You really did go all out! Looks like it was a hit! Love the face painting!