Friday, April 9, 2010


Wow were did three months go? I will tell you, out the door. I can't believe how big Brayden has grown. Wow how I love this boy, he has such a fun personality always smiling and talking. He is doing great, still hates tummy time but other than that, he loves just about everything else. We were having a little trouble with the breast feeding for a while but he is now on track and doing better. The kids just grow more in love with him as the days go by. And he has been noticing them more and more. He always wants to be included in everything when he is a wake.

So it's been a good month and Brayden been sleeping in his bed and going to bed at eight and sleeping until four and then back to bed until eight in the morning. Oh such a nice change from before. We could not get him to bed until one in the morning and to top that off he was sleeping in his swing. I know, bad mom; but when you are so tired you will do just about anything. Thanks to the colic but no more colic YAH YAH. And not to mention but he has been so much more happier with the better sleep. No more over tired baby and parents...

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