I was looking at one of my friends blogs and it said the last update we did was five weeks ago. So I thought I better update. Basically the whole month of July. So what's been happening? Well a whole lot of stress building a house and trying to get the other ready to sell. I have loved building our house. It's been so fun picking out things and watching it come together. But stressful because I have been doing it on my own. Don't get me wrong doing it on my own has it's ups. I get things the way I want them. I'm so grateful Dan trust me to do a good job. kinda reminds me of our wedding. I did everything. I think Dan saw most of the stuff on the wedding day. Anyways it's been stressful at times when I need input. But Dan is to busy with work right now to really worry about the house. I try not to complain because I am truly grateful to have this opportunity in my life. well here are some picture of the house. Digging the Hole... Starting to frame... Framing Done. I was surprised at how quick these process took... Roof On... Brick done... There is a lot more going on inside the house. I will try and post some of the inside soon.
The time goes to fast but he is doing great. He is sitting up most of the time. Still falls over when he gets to excited and starts to move to much. He loves to eat baby food loves most of it and gets really upset if his meal times are running late. He is such a talker and smiler. He is starting to really love his older sister and brother. He is always laughing at them and wants to interact with them all the time. He is sleeping through the night and growing like a weed. We love this little guy so much.
These are our forth of July pictures about o month last. We had a great day hanging out in Layton all day. went to the breakfast then the parade and carnival. came home for some naps. And then back to the park for a picnic dinner and to watch one of the best firework shows we have seen in a long time.