Friday, January 22, 2010

Two Weeks Old.....

Wow my little one was two weeks on Monday. He is doing good we thought he had Colic but found out he just has bad gas some night's. And those night's are not fun but better then Colic. When Brayden was born he weighed 6lbs - 9oz and was 20 inches long. When we left the hospital his weight was down to 6lbs and 2oz. At the check up he was up to 7lbs and 7oz and is now 21 inches long. Wow the boy is growing like a weed but then again he loves to eat. He is doing good starting to stay awake for 45 min at a time in between eating and sleeping. We are starting to get a schedule down. He loves his night bath's and loves to be patted on the belly. I know that sounds weird but he does. Kimberley is in love with the kid she wants to be every were he is and is always kissing him and telling me she loves him a billion times. She is a great help and will do just about anything to help as long as it deals with the baby. I wish it was that easy to get her to clean her room. Brigham loves the baby but hates all the time I have to spend with him. He is starting to act out a little it's hard on me to see that. Because for so long he was my little guy and we have a very special bond me and that kid. I am just waiting for Brayden to get a little older and to have his schedule down and I'm going to have to start taking Brigham and doing special things with him. So he does not feel so left out. The house hold has been a little crazy but stuff is starting to settle down a bit.

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