Friday, February 20, 2009


Well a lot of you know I went to Vegas to see my Grandma. I went as kind of a birthday present slash mom needs time away trip. It was really good to see my grandma. I'm very close with her. She now spends her winters down in Vegas and we spend are summers away so I don't get to see her as much as I would like. The trip was great. I did not do to much down there because all I wanted to do was chill out. It was nice not to have to worry about mommy duties but I missed my family very much. I have a great hubby and he did a great job with the kids for a whole week. But he must of missed me because when they came to pick me up from the airport he had a dozen red roses for me.

well Vegas was fun. I have these really funny pitchers of my grandmas new hubby Jerry. OK so this guy is in his 70's and stays up until two in the morning. OK lets get this strait I'm 27 and can't make it past 11:00. Well I found out why he can stay up so long, one night after we ate dinner me and my grandma sat down to play card games. I looked over and saw Jerry a sleep sitting in his chair with the remote in his hands and his head phones on (he can't hear the t.v. very good). I thought this was so funny the way he fell asleep I took some pitchers. Well on another night I was sitting in the chair next to Jerry and my Grandma and I looked over and they were both sleeping. Well if this is what you have to look forward to when you get old please help us all HE HE.

We went to Madame Tussuad's Wax Museum it was way cool. I could not believe how much they look like the real people. My grandma took me the the show called "O" it was so cool. I was not able to take any pitchers, what a bummer. I have wanted to go for a long time. Im glad I was able to go and enjoy that with my grandma.

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